iFarming, located legally in Via Angelo Mariani 11, 48121 Ravenna (RA), as service owner, informs in accordance with art. 13 D.Lgs 30.6.2003 n. 196 (hereinafter “Privacy Code”) and art. 13 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 about the protection of personal data (hereinafter “GDPR”) that the data in possession will be processed for the following purposes:
The company processes the personal data of:
i) companies interested in what we offer
ii) clients companies
iii) supplier companies and their related contact people
Particularly, they are collected:
i) name and surname
ii) telephone number
iii) email address
iv) company role
Data in our possession are used for:
i) communicate our offer to interested companies
ii) communications of an administrative nature
iFarming treats personal data for purposes in section here above listed, based on the legitimate interest in performing the indicated activities (marketing and administration).
The processing of personal data treatment is carried out by operations indicated in art. 4 Privacy Code and art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and precisely: data collection, registration, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, application, interconnection, interruption, communication, cancellation and destruction. Personal data collected are submitted to electronic and, in some cases, paper processing.
iFarming will keep the collected data for information purpose for a year in its archives. Upon expiration, an authorization request will be renewed and in case of unconfirmed consent personal data will be immediately destroyed. On the other hand, the personal data collected for administrative purposes will be kept for one year from the conclusion of the relationship between the respective companies, and then cancelled from its archives.
As concerned the marketing activity (see point 2.a in “TREATMENT PURPOSE” section) is possible to choose to stop receiving emails by sending an email to the following email address:
The data the Company manages may be made accessible to marketing purposes and administrative communications to iFarming staff and parters only by prior consent according to the new legislation.
iFarming can communicate without any declared agreement the managed data to security bodies, judicial authorities and to all subjects to whom the communication is mandatory to law to the fulfillment of the already said purposes (art. 24.a, 24.b, 24.d, 24.f).
In quality of interested party, is its right (according to art. 7 Privacy Code and art.15 GDPR):
i) to obtain the confirmation about the existence or not of data concerning him, even if it is not still registered,
ii) to obtain the indication of a) personal data origin, b) the purpose and treatment modality, c) the applied logic in case of fulfilled treatment with the assistance of electronic devices, d) owner and person in charge designated data pursuant to art. 5, subsection 2 Privacy Code and art. 3, subsection 1, GDPR, e) subjects or subject categories to whom personal data can be communicated or learnt about in quality of designated representative of the State territory or supervisors
iii) to obtain the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of treated data in violation of the law, including those for which the conservation related to purposes for which have been collected or successively treated, is not necessary
iv) to oppose entirely or partially to: a) the treatment of personal data which for legitimate reasons, even if relevant to the purpose of collection, b) the treatment of personal data for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales, or to market researches or commercial communications, using calling automates systems without the intervention of any worker by email and/or by traditional marketing modalities via phone and/or post.
The interested party can exercise the right of opposition partly or entirely.
It is possible anytime exercising your own rights by sending an email to
iFarming does not offer its services to minors and the owner does not collect intentionally their personal data. If any information on minors have been unintentionally registered, the company will delete them immediately.
This report may change. Therefore, it is recommended to check it regularly and to refer to the most updated version.